NDIZOTHEKA [it is possible]

Just came across this on the EscapeTheCity blog, which I wanted to share with you.  It’s the story of another ex banking professional who volunteered in Malawi but via a charity called Challenges Worldwide, instead of my VSO route. It’s titled: 4 Lessons from the Warm Heart of Africa.

Some really good insight into volunteering in Malawi; The JFDI comment made me laugh 🙂 and I must admit that I didn’t realise Malawi is indeed amongst the 10 poorest countries in the world, by various measures and sources.

For me, the best bit of this post is the video it mentions…

NDIZOTHEKA [it is possible] – Trailer

Photographer and paraglider pilot, Benjamin Jordan travels to Malawi to teach children the joys of kite flying. There, he meets Godfrey Masauli, a young Malawian man who has always dreamt of flying though has never had the means.
The odd pair borrow a couple bicycles, ride around the country and build kites with youth while motivating them to follow their dreams no matter the challenge. They are destined for Mount Mulanje, Africa’s second highest peak, where after weeks of ground training the two will attempt to paraglide down making Godfrey the first Malawian paraglider pilot.

I think I’d quite like to meet Godfrey.

Categories: Malawi, Sport, Travel, Volunteering, VSO | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “NDIZOTHEKA [it is possible]

  1. I’d like to meet Godfrey too… great vid. Love the song at the end!


  2. Peter Ford

    I was down on the Long Mynd yesterday and there werw paragliders all over it from the Midlands Gliding Club. You should get some practice!


  3. X-treme sportsman you! Y’know me Pete, I’d much prefer something on 2 wheels (one in front of the other and along the ground)


  4. I’ve seen the DVD, it is an inspirational story. I’ve borrowed, cheekily, ndizotheka for my blog about volunteering in Malawi


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