Who Am I?

I genuinely could not word this any better. Claire, you rock; Let’s hope we all come out as better people after our placements!

Claire's Indian Adventure

The cliche states that people come to India to ‘find themself’.

I think I have lost myself.

This feeling has been creeping up on me for a while, but in the past couple of weeks I’ve become almost certain it’s true. It’s partly physical and partly social. Let me explain.

Firstly the physical issue. The Inadvertent India Weightloss Programme has changed me. A bit of Delhi-belly, and more months of a healthier lifestyle have taken the inevitable toll on my body and there is less of me than there used to be. I recognise that this is not a bad thing; at my medical before I came away the Doctor and I agreed that I was a little too short for my weight.

However when this weightloss is coupled with new clothes in local baggy styles, with drawstring trousers and tops which reach my knees… well, I’m not entirely sure…

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